Career Development Plans
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As a manager, your role in helping develop the potential and growth of your team members lies in your ability to initiate coaching conversations with them, that are fueled by curiosity and powerful questions, and aimed at encouraging your team members to reflect on both their areas of strength as well as their areas for desired growth.

As a manager, your role in helping develop the potential and growth of your team members lies in your ability to have coaching conversations with them, fueled by curiosity and powerful questions, and aimed at encouraging them to reflect on both areas of strength as well as areas for desired growth.

In their book, Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go, authors Beverly Kaye and Julie Winkle Giulioni state, “Career development is among the most frequently forgotten tools for driving business results”. Yet it is completely within a manager’s sphere of influence!  And, quality career development boils down to having regular conversations with your team members. From these conversations, you can more effectively support each team member in building a career development plan that is regularly reviewed and tracked in support of their key career goals.

Why It Matters

People like to do a good job and to make an impact, and they need to see a vision for their future. A solid career development plan helps do just that and is crucial to team member engagement and success.


How It’s Done

Career agility is the name of the game. The traditional “career ladder” is often no longer relevant due to factors including organization restructuring, fewer leadership roles, and people moving more frequently to different jobs or companies. Onward and upward has been replaced by forward and toward.

Develop a cadence and a process for career development planning

Your team members own their career development plan

Use your coaching skills in the career development conversations

Focus on strengths and filling gaps

Tips for Success

Here are some powerful questions you can ask with team members when you are filling out the career development plan, or during any career development conversation.


Refer to this sample Career Development Plan and use it with your team members.

Sample Career Development Plan

Employee's aspirations & skills they want to develop:

I would like to become a manager and lead a team
I would like to learn how to give feedback and have difficult conversations
I would like to learn how to give honest feedback and have difficult conversations
I would like to receive more coaching and have a manager mentor


Expert in my field
Technically skilled team lead
Organized and meets deadlines
Well-respected by directs and peers
Team player
Data focused

Skills to develop | Current skill rating 1-10

Take initiative more and "show off" my skills. (Rate 1-10)
Up-level my leadership skills. (Rate 1-10)
Improve interactions with coworkers - be more direct when tension/conflict arises. (Rate 1-10)
Listen to understand rather than listen to respond. (Rate 1-10)
Increase my self-awareness and emotional intelligence. (Rate 1-10)

How to develop these skills? What are the steps? What is the timeframe?

Take more risks! Be ready, willing and able to do more. [Start now.]
Make more "deposits" into the relationship bank with coworkers - particularly with those I struggle to connect with. [Start now.]
Listen more, talk less. [Start now.]
Network within the organization to enlist the support of a seasoned mentor who is in a manager's role. [By next month.]
Self-enroll in coaching through our HR portal. [ASAP]
Ask a team member to detail the steps/actions for each skill with timeframes.

Set a date for the follow up:

[Date for follow up here.]


Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go, a book by Beverly Kaye and Julie Winkle Giulioni
Top 7 Strategies for Helping Your Employees Reach Their Goals, by Chris Brennan