One-on-One Meetings
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To be an effective manager who successfully leads others, you need to engage in frequent and open communication with your individual team members. You can accomplish this with one-on-one meetings that you hold regularly and consistently, on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

To be an effective manager who successfully leads others, you need to engage in frequent and open communication with your individual team members. You can accomplish this with one-on-one meetings that you hold regularly and consistently, on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

Why It Matters

One-on-one meetings with your individual team members provide an opportunity for you to connect and drive the action forward for individual development and company objectives.  It’s a personal approach that cultivates engagement, ownership, and job satisfaction.

How It’s Done

Ultimately, you set the direction for the team, however, it’s best to approach one-on-ones as the team member’s time, letting them lead the conversation.

Best Practices for One-on-Ones

Research has pointed us towards best practices for conducting one-on-ones. These are not rules or absolutes, only guidelines.

Tone and spirit of the one-on-one


Coaching questions for a simple one-on-one:


If the meeting feels stuck, try a few of these questions to encourage dialogue with your team members:


The Secret To Effective One-On-One Meetings with Direct Reports Forbes
How to Make Your One-On-Ones with Employees More Productive HBR